
O, Allah, thank You for the health, family, love, laughters, tears, home, clothes, the beauty, friends, animals, trees, the nature, the sun, winds, the moon, the nights, the days, waters, food, drinks, everything O Rabb. Thank You. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillahirabbil'alamiin... 
Thank You for the love You give me when people say, "When will you get married? I can still cook" or "When will you get married? Who's the man? I'd take care of your baby(s). Thank You, Lord. It is beyond everything even though I don't know who he is nor if I have ever met him. This is everything. Thank You. Alhamdulillah that I still have mother, father who love me very much, who would give up their lives for me. I am thankful for the closeness between me and my mother and me and my father. Alhamdulillah... 
Segala Puji hanya bagi Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam...


Question for God

At this moment I feel like I'm walking in the same place, and never making it into the destination. Why? I ask myself that a thousand times a day. This is the time when I feel like I can't take it anymore. Why would Allah put this burden on my shoulder...when I'm this petite, when I'm this weak, when I have no strength to do the things Allah wants me to do. Why?



I saw Dad's eyes turn to red today. I bet he cried, I bet his heart was touched.

We are watching a tausiyah from an ustadz who has gone back to Allah SWT, Ustadz Jeffry Al-Bukhory. Dad's voice also is a little hoarse. I know he's crying inside though I can not see it, though I'm crying too right now watching without Dad's knowing. 
I just love Dad so much. I love Dad. I am so grateful to have him as my Dad. Thank you Allah. 
I drew something yesterday, you can check it out

O Allah, I love You so much. But I'm afraid that this is only words that's only be written

Thank you for letting us know Ustadz Jeffry Al-Bukhory.

I know that he is in the best place beside Him now. I saw these pictures on some of Facebook fanpages, Subhanallah ...

The people who deliver ustadz to the grave

The clouds over the grave of ustadz which makes its shape resemble the person who is praying


Stuart C. Turner

Ok guys, so I'm just passing by here just to post something (idk if it's important or not). BUT, I just have to tell you. I'm OBSESSED with this guy named Stuart Collin. He's an actor here in my country. Just check him out :)


Nama Lengkap: Stuart Collin Turner
Nama Panggilan: Stuart
Tempat,Tanggal Lahir: Shrewburry,Inggris.28 September 1990
Nama Ortu: Rita Emon, (Alm) Collin Turner
Hobi: Balap Mobil, Main Bola, dan Main Basket
Makanan Favorit: Nasi Goreng
Hewan Favorit: Kucing
Hewan Dibenci: Kecoa
Warna Favorit: Hitam,dan Putih
Tinggi&Berat Badan:185 cm, 73 kg
Prestasi: Juara 1 Coverboy 2007

I hope fangirling is legal. I'll find someone like you :'(


Contoh RPP Berkarakter


Nama Sekolah
SMA NEGERI 1 ....................
Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester
XII / 1
Pertemuan ke
Aspek / Skill
Alokasi Waktu
2 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
Kompetensi dasar
Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, explanation, dan discussion.
- Membaca wacana ragam tulis yang dibahas: teks Iklan
- Mengidentifikasi topik dari teks yang dibaca
- Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks yang dibaca

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
  •  Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks iklan yang dibaca
  •  Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna kalimat dalam teks iklan yang dibaca
  •  Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks dengan tepat

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan:
  •  Disiplin (discipline)
  • Tekun (diligence)
  • Ketelitian (carefulness)

II.     Materi Pembelajaran
  •   Definition:  Advertisement is a functional text that is used to promote a product in the form of goods and services.
  •   Functions / purposes
-       To offer
-       To promote
-       To persuade
-       To attract people to...
-       To make people interested in... / to get people interested in...
  •   The language used in advertising
-          Simple
-          Clear
-          Short
-          Attractive
-          Persuasive (coax / advertising usually begins with the sentence invitation)
-          Able to convince readers to buy or coming
  •   Teks Iklan
Teks 1
              OFFICE SUPPLY SALE
              This  week only

               Computer paper (white only)  25 % off
               Envelopes (all, including pink, purple, and gold) 50 % of
               Notebooks, buy five, get one free
               Pens (blue, black, and red ink) 12 for $ 1

          Sale ends Saturday
          Store closed Sunday

                Teks 2

Wanted for big restaurant.
Applicants must be friendly and able to speak English.
Age 16 – 20.
Experience unnecessary.
Excellent pay.
All applications must reach to our office no later than two weeks.
Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Jl. Gajah Mada 108, Yogyakarta
Yogya Post / 3rd March 2009

  •   Related vocabularies:
-       Sale
-       ...% off
-       Wanted / needed / required       
-       Looking for / seeking for / opening for                                                                      
-       Applicants
-       Application     
-       Experienced                                                                      
-       Requirements               
-       Qualifications                                                                
-       Apply (by mail / letters, on line, come in person)

III.   Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik:  Three-phase technique

IV.  Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
a.   Kegiatan Awal (20 menit)
-          Guru memberi salam dan siswa menjawab (peduli sosial)
-          Guru dan siswa membaca doa bersama-sama (religius)
-          Guru mengabsen siswa dan siswa menjawab (peduli sosial)
-          Guru memberi motivasi dan rangsangan kepada siswa (peduli sosial, percaya diri)
-          Guru mengaitkan tema dengan materi sebelumnya (cinta ilmu)

b.  Kegiatan inti (60 menit)
  •          Eksplorasi
-      Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apa itu advertisement (berani)
-  Guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang teks iklan yang pernah dibacanya (berpikir logis, ingin tahu, berani)
-      Guru bersama siswa membahas fungsi iklan (berpikir logis, ingin tahu)
-    Guru bersama siswa membahas ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan di dalam iklan (berpikir logis, ingin tahu)
  •          Elaborasi
-     Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk membacakan teks iklan (ingin tahu, cinta ilmu, berani)
-       Guru bersama siswa memahami isi iklan (ingin tahu, mandiri)
-   Guru bersama siswa membahas kosa-kata yang tidak dimengerti (ingin tahu, cinta ilmu)
-      Guru menugaskan siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah teks (kerja keras, mandiri)
  •          Konfirmasi
-     Guru dan siswa membahas pertanyaan terkait dengan teks (mandiri, cinta ilmu, tanggung jawab, berpikir logis)

c.   Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)
-        Guru memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk bertanya (berani)
-   Guru mereview materi dengan cara bertanya jawab tentang materi yang telah dipelajari (mandiri, cinta ilmu, tanggung jawab)
-        Guru menutup pelajaran dengan memberikan salam (religius)

V.    Sumber Belajar
-   Developing English Competencies 3 : Developing English Competencies, Pusat Perbukuan.
-          Internet

VI.      Penilaian
a. Teknik          :  Tes Tertulis.
b.  Bentuk        :  Pilihan ganda
c.  Instrumen  : Terlampir

     I. Answer the questions
        Text 1.

              OFFICE SUPPLY SALE
              This  week only

                   Computer paper (white only)  25 % off
                   Envelopes (all, including pink, purple, and gold) 50 % off
                   Notebooks, buy five, get one free 
                   Pens (blue, black, and red ink) 12 for $ 1

          Sale ends Saturday
          Store closed Sunday

1. What kind of computer paper is on sale?
      a. White
      b. All colors
      c. Pink, purple, and gold
      d. Black and white only

2. How can you get a free notebook?
      a. Pay one dollar
      b. Spends $25 on computer paper
      c. Buy colored envelopes
      d. Buy five notebooks

3. When is the sale?
       a. All weekend
       b. On Sunday only
       c. All week
       d. At the end of the month

    Text 2

Wanted for big restaurant.
Applicants must be friendly and able to speak English.
Age 16 – 20.
Experience unnecessary.
Excellent pay.
All applications must reach to our office no later than two weeks.
Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Jl. Gajah Mada 108, Yogyakarta
Yogya Post / 3rd March 2009

4. Which qualification must the applicant have?
     a. Unfriendly
     b. Fluent English
     c. Experienced
     d. Excellent
5. From the text we know that the deadline of the applications is … 2009
    a. 3rd March
    b. 7th February
    c. 17th February
    d. 17th March

d.       Pedoman penilaian
Setiap nomor betul nilai 20, setiap nomor yang salah nilai 0
Skor maksrimal  5  x 20 = 100

                                                                                                                    ……........... , 26 Oktober  2011

Mengetahui ,
Kepala Sekolah

NIP. 1234567890

Guru Bahasa Inggris

NIP. 0987654321

P.S.:  RPP ini saya ubah kembali sesuai kebutuhan. Ada beberapa bagian yang saya ubah dari RPP aslinya. Untuk RPP aslinya bisa dilihat di blog berikut RPP dan silabus berkarakter Mapel bahasa inggris SMA kelas 12 sem 1 K. Silakan dilihat link-nya.

The Eighty-Yard Run (Summary)

This story tells about Christian Darling, a famous football player on the campus. He was adored by everybody; girls worshiped him, boys respected him, and Louise, his girlfriend; she really loved him, worshiped him and liked to buy him presents. They got married once they graduated from college and lived happily with wealth for a couple of years. Darling had an office to manage which was given by Louise’s father while Louise also got a job at the art galleries and matinees.
One day in 1933, Louise’s father died and Darling and Louise were broke. Darling found out that they got 3 or 4 gallons debts to pay and it sort of made him frustrated. Darling lost his mind and liked to drink since then.
Louise and Darling’s marriage turned out to be somewhat different since they were broke. Darling often made Louise upset because of his behavior, yet Louise never gave up on him and still treated him nicely. Even Darling hurt her feelings so many times, she never got mad at him.
Louise once got a job at a fashion magazine and they moved downtown. But still, Darling had nothing to do - drinking all day at home. Even when Christian finally got a job, he never made any money.
Until one day, Darling was offered a job as a tour representative in a college. When he told Louise about that, he was expecting Louise to say no. But all Louise said was, “Yes, Baby” she wanted him to take the job. Darling took the job and that’s when the time started to change him.
Darling remembered everything that ever happened after taking the job that he was a popular boy in his college, adored by many, respected by many. And he also remembered the glory he made as a football player in his college.