
Synopsis of Eclipse

The story starts with the note Jake sent to Bella. It speaks of him missing her and that he can't forgive her and they can't be friends because of the fact that she is dating a vampire again. While at the same time, Seattle is being hit by a string of unsolved killings, which Edward suspects to be the result of newborn vampires. Meanwhile, Alice has a vision that Victoria, a vampire that is hunting Bella to get revenge for her mate's, James, death, is back in town. Bella begs Edward to let her stay with Jacob and the rest of the werewolf pack because they would never harm her, but he is still not convinced. So, Bella escapes to La Push to see Jacob while Edward is away, and arrives afterwards at her house unharmed. This convinces Edward that the La Push werewolves are harmless to her, and he allows Bella to visit Jacob once in a while, as long as she keeps a phone with her at all times. During one of these trips, Jacob confesses that he loves Bella, wanting her to pick him instead of Edward then forcibly kisses her. Bella punches him which in turn breaks her hand.
A few days later, Bella tries to get Edward to make love to her before turning her into a vampire. Edward initially refuses; explaining that he could very easily kill her. Eventually, upon realizing how much it means to Bella, he says that he is willing to try in the future as long as they are married first. Despite having an aversion to marriage, Bella realizes that spending eternity with Edward is more important to her than anything else and accepts his proposal.
Bella and the Cullens realize that the murders in Seattle are being committed by Victoria and an "army" of newborn vampires that she has created. The Cullen family joins forces with the La Push werewolf pack in order to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward and Bella camp up in the mountains, where they are later joined by Jacob and Seth Clearwater, to wait out the fight. Bella starts to freeze in the harsh weather of the mountain. Being anxious about Bella’s condition, Edward grudgingly agrees to let Jacob warm Bella. During the night, Bella also overhears a conversation between Edward and Jacob, in which they temporarily forget about their hatred towards each other.
In the morning, Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and becomes very upset. He runs off, but at Bella's request, Edward brings Jacob. He threatens to join the fight and get himself killed because he feels that Bella doesn't love him. When Bella begs him not to, Jacob insists that he will unless she asks him to kiss her. Furious, she does so, and while kissing him she realizes that she is in love with him as well.
Victoria eventually finds Bella's hiding spot, but Edward kills her while Seth kills her partner Riley. The Cullens and the Quileute werewolves, meanwhile, destroy her "army", though Jacob is injured when saving Leah Clearwater from a newborn. Then several members of the Volturi arrive to destroy Victoria's army, and end up only killing the one newborn who surrendered, Bree. They are also told that while Bella hasn't become a vampire yet, the date for her transformation has been set.
Bella visits Jacob, who's been wounded in battle, telling him that she has chosen to be with Edward. Heartbroken by her choice, Jacob reluctantly agrees to stop trying to come between her and Edward. He promises Bella that he'll let her go, but that he'll always be waiting in the wings – maybe even after she turns into a vampire.
After leaving Jacob, Bella experiences an emotional breakdown. Yet she believes she's made the right choice. Though she's also been upset about getting married, she makes peace with the idea, because she feels that she owes it to her parents to share this important human tradition with them before becoming a vampire. She even agrees to let Alice plan a big wedding.
When Jacob receives Bella's wedding invitation, he's devastated, even more, he's enraged. He turns into wolf form and disappears into the woods, to escape the pain he feels.

References :

Novel Analysis: Bridge to Terabithia

Name : Eva Gustiana I
Subject : The Foundation of Literature

1. Theme
This novel tells about a friendship of Jesse Aarons and a girl named Leslie Burke. They undergo many life changing circumstances from becoming the best of friends until having to let go of that friendship. It is not easy for Jess to accept the truth that his best friend, Leslie, dies. He knows she has gone forever but somehow he would never forget her. So the theme of this novel is about a true friendship.

2. Messages
Bridge to Terabithia presents life's beauty and shows how beautiful the true friendship is; the power offriendship. It shows you the power to think and create; which we all possess in our minds when we are children but somehow loses it along the way as we grow up. It delivers a message that the best way to escape from harsh reality and to face your problems is through imagination and friendship. The message doesn't stop there. We must go on, just as Jesse went on after Leslie's death. It's not easy. We're somehow emptied by the loss of our friend. But eventually, after we grieve, we must rejoin life so that we can carry the memories of those we lost into our new adventures. These experiences mold children into a more mature and capable person. They help them deal with situations that they will face later in life and make them realize what is important in life.

3. Plot
The plot of this story goes forward. We can see that by the first time Jess met Leslie at school, and then they became close friends – spending most of time together at their magical Kingdom, Terabithia, until one of them must drown into the creek and died.

- Introduction : Jesse Aarons was the fifth grader who was so ambitious to be the fastest runner at school. One day, he met a new girl named Leslie. She beat him in a race. They both soon became close friends.
- Rising action : Jess accompanied Miss Edmunds to the National Gallery in Washington. He had always thought to ask Miss Edmunds if Leslie could come along too. But he never did. In other case, Leslie was about to go to Terabithia alone, while the days had begun to rain so hard then.
- Climax : Leslie arrived at the bank of the creek. As usual, the only way to cross the creek was to swing; holding onto the crap apple tree rope. Unfortunately, the rope broke as she swung across the creek. She drowned.
-Denouement : Jess and P.T. – the dog – went to Terabithia to make a funeral wreath for the queen a.k.a. Leslie.
- Resolution : Jess went to the creek bank, carrying a couple of lumber he needed. He started building a bridge across the creek; the way to reach to Terabithia.

4. Summary


Jess Aarons is an eleven-year-old boy living in a rural southwest Virginia who loves to run. He dreams of being the fastest boy in the fifth grade when school starts up in the fall, feeling that this will for once give him a chance to stand in the spotlight among his five sisters, and might win him the attention of his preoccupied father. Jess is quite insecure in his identity. He loves to paint and draw, but he knows very well that this labels him a "sissy" in the eyes of most of the world, particularly his father. He practices each morning, always dreaming of his upcoming victory. However, when the races come around at recess, a new girl, Leslie Burke, who just moved next door to Jess, boldly crosses to the boys' side of the playground and beats everyone.
Jess and Leslie soon become close friends. Jess shares his secret love of drawing with Leslie, and Leslie shares with Jess her love of fantasy stories. They build a secret fantasyland across the creek in the woods, called Terabithia, and they rule over it. There they forget the rest of the world, such as the kids at school or Jess's less-than-satisfactory family. Jess's artistic talent and ability are strengthened by all this, as Leslie supports his ambition and, through the stories she tells, provides him with great subject matter. But much of the time they play wonderful games of their own invention—defeating intruders on Terabithian territory, praying to the Spirits of the Grove to end a long spell of rain, and numerous other fantasies. However, Jess and Leslie's friendship, though centered in Terabithia, is not limited to Terabithia. They see each other at school. At home, they celebrate holidays together, such as Christmas, when Jess gives Leslie a puppy and she gives him an expensive art set to develop his artistic talent, and Easter, when Leslie goes to church with Jess' family. Jess and Leslie remain the best of friends, and Jess finds a purpose in his life through Leslie's company that he's never had before.
One day the music teacher at school, Miss Edmunds, whom Jess has long had a crush on, invites him to spend a day with her touring the art galleries in Washington. This trip does much to expand his mind and make him feel as if he is special. He has a perfect day. When he gets home he is attacked by a bad news that that Leslie drowned in the creek that morning trying to swing into Terabithia on the rope that they used for that purpose. Jess is completely devastated and goes through the stages of grief—denial, anger, fear, and sorrow—all incredibly painful to suffer and, indeed, to read about. Initially, he does not see how he is to go on initially. However, eventually he realizes that he can only keep Leslie's memory, and his own newfound sense of self, alive by continuing the fantasy of Terabithia. He makes a memorial wreath for Leslie, and builds a bridge over the creek. He brings his little sister May Belle there and makes her its new queen.

References :

P.S.: I took so many references from the internet. There's like a thousand of websites I opened I think lol. I forgot which websites I got the references from so I can only post two of them.