
O, Allah, thank You for the health, family, love, laughters, tears, home, clothes, the beauty, friends, animals, trees, the nature, the sun, winds, the moon, the nights, the days, waters, food, drinks, everything O Rabb. Thank You. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillahirabbil'alamiin... 
Thank You for the love You give me when people say, "When will you get married? I can still cook" or "When will you get married? Who's the man? I'd take care of your baby(s). Thank You, Lord. It is beyond everything even though I don't know who he is nor if I have ever met him. This is everything. Thank You. Alhamdulillah that I still have mother, father who love me very much, who would give up their lives for me. I am thankful for the closeness between me and my mother and me and my father. Alhamdulillah... 
Segala Puji hanya bagi Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam...