
Stuart C. Turner

Ok guys, so I'm just passing by here just to post something (idk if it's important or not). BUT, I just have to tell you. I'm OBSESSED with this guy named Stuart Collin. He's an actor here in my country. Just check him out :)


Nama Lengkap: Stuart Collin Turner
Nama Panggilan: Stuart
Tempat,Tanggal Lahir: Shrewburry,Inggris.28 September 1990
Nama Ortu: Rita Emon, (Alm) Collin Turner
Hobi: Balap Mobil, Main Bola, dan Main Basket
Makanan Favorit: Nasi Goreng
Hewan Favorit: Kucing
Hewan Dibenci: Kecoa
Warna Favorit: Hitam,dan Putih
Tinggi&Berat Badan:185 cm, 73 kg
Prestasi: Juara 1 Coverboy 2007

I hope fangirling is legal. I'll find someone like you :'(